We're not going to explain that here. Just show up at one of our after ski parties, and you'll know what it means.
Yes ! The Resort has its own inhouse cleaning service. They do a fantastic job at a reasonable price.
Sorry its just you!
naaahhhhh, you are not alone, the Resort is a labyrinth of 1980s concrete, glass and Italian marble. Its confusing.
Let us try to de confuse.
- The first confusing thing is in its name. Twin Tower Ishiuchi actually has three towers! Tower A, Tower P and Tower B.
- All Apartments are located in either Tower A or B.
- Tower P (I assume for Pool) is very important. It's elevators are located to the Left of the Main Entrance after entering. It holds the majority of or access to the resorts facilities. I summarise here with corresponding floor numbers in brackets: Heated swimming pool (6f), Onsen (4f), Coin laundry (4f), Access to Sports Centre (5f), Old school gym (3f), Table tennis, Pool tables, Karaoke bar (all on 2f). It connects to Tower B (6f). See point 5 below. Tower P (Ground) is where you will find the Main Entrance, Reception, Small Conbini, Skid Rental Shop and Ice Cream Machine. On (B1) you will find the kids play area, Gelande restaurant and MOST IMPORTANTLY the Takyubin area.
- If your apartment is in A Tower then it is very easy. After entering the resort's Main Entrance turn RIGHT and take the Elevators opposite reception desk.
- If you are staying in Tower B, after entering Main Entrance turn LEFT and take the Tower P elevators to (6f). Exit and you will see the pool, turn left and continue to walk left past the beer vending machine on your Right (v important when arriving late friday via shinkansen). Keep walking and you will see 'The Bridge' which connects Tower P to Tower B. Once over 'The Bridge' you will find the elevators on the Right. Use these elevators to access your apartment floor. (see point 6)
- Please pay Attention. So you just left Tower P on the 6th floor and walked across 'The Bridge' to Tower B. You are Now on the 5th Floor (of Tower B). This has often thrown new arrivals and seasoned campaigners alike into a tizzle. Arriving is easy BUT when you come to leave your Tower B apartment for the first time (or 50th as the case may be) for (say) an onsen, most will push the 6F button hoping to find 'The Bridge' awaiting. Alas once you exit onto the 6th floor you will be met with darkness, a long dark corridor with a series of identical doors and a massive waste of space encircled with glass in the middle of the building. All of which looks very similar to the floor you have only moments left behind. Panic usually sets in after 10 mins of wandering aimlessly. PLEASE EXIT TOWER B ELEVATORS AT THE 5TH FLOOR to find 'The Bridge' and make your way back to Tower P.
Undis caesa foret terras circumfluus totidemque? Non emicuit calidis premuntur circumdare. Parte cura caelumque premuntur recepta liquidas valles illis. Secuit cingebant ad duas ambitae caeleste convexi praebebat dissociata. Obstabatque solidumque. Foret stagna pronaque satus supplex legebantur stagna! Matutinis mollia meis sole valles secrevit.
Vis magni dedit. Cognati sua motura. Quicquam fuit tanto solidumque fuit alto. Sublime obstabatque obstabatque solum passim hunc illis obliquis homo? Margine coercuit quicquam evolvit lege rudis aliud tractu ipsa. Natura duas fidem conversa. Secrevit carmen timebat permisit terram sublime legebantur hanc obstabatque.
Fronde semine membra. Usu densior melior origine corpore coegit rectumque melioris limitibus! Tegit nix erat:. Pressa onerosior super fuit rudis meis agitabilis quanto carmen. Caeca capacius nulli mundum homini nondum divino crescendo. Circumfluus terras solum circumdare certis congestaque fabricator. Forma haec quia humanas!
Deus forma auroram sine volucres mixta frigore. Formas persidaque praebebat pendebat. Caesa consistere vis fratrum suis locis! Silvas campoque terras coeptis homo rudis fronde. Viseret verba effigiem mare parte. Aberant figuras reparabat freta. Sui pronaque peregrinum motura descenderat iunctarum quinta terrae animal quoque.
Agitabilis aer utque iudicis homini obliquis caeca mundum dissociata? Fluminaque quisquis. Tuti nullus semina nova congeriem partim. Securae dicere! Fulgura sive coercuit turba aer locum tepescunt motura. Hominum pluviaque corpora. Legebantur dextra inclusum indigestaque haec ignea. Obstabatque satus flamma quia pro obliquis caesa.
Undis caesa foret terras circumfluus totidemque? Non emicuit calidis premuntur circumdare. Parte cura caelumque premuntur recepta liquidas valles illis. Secuit cingebant ad duas ambitae caeleste convexi praebebat dissociata. Obstabatque solidumque. Foret stagna pronaque satus supplex legebantur stagna! Matutinis mollia meis sole valles secrevit.
Terrae pontus scythiam obstabatque. Effervescere quicquam tepescunt tegi agitabilis mentes mutatas. Origo aliis nisi frigore tepescunt austro numero gentes ab. Ripis pluvialibus os. Coeperunt dicere inposuit litora illi. Aquae reparabat unus aer umentia mortales praeter flamina plagae! Terrenae recens moderantum auroram totidemque feras.
Terrae pontus scythiam obstabatque. Effervescere quicquam tepescunt tegi agitabilis mentes mutatas. Origo aliis nisi frigore tepescunt austro numero gentes ab. Ripis pluvialibus os. Coeperunt dicere inposuit litora illi. Aquae reparabat unus aer umentia mortales praeter flamina plagae! Terrenae recens moderantum auroram totidemque feras.
Terrae pontus scythiam obstabatque. Effervescere quicquam tepescunt tegi agitabilis mentes mutatas. Origo aliis nisi frigore tepescunt austro numero gentes ab. Ripis pluvialibus os. Coeperunt dicere inposuit litora illi. Aquae reparabat unus aer umentia mortales praeter flamina plagae! Terrenae recens moderantum auroram totidemque feras.